Kat-a-Kat Stir fried brain, kidney, heart and lamb chop


- 4 lambs kidneys
- 2 lambs hearts
- 2 lambs brains
- 4 lambs chops
- (1) 1 tsp. garlic paste
- (2) 1 tsp. ginger paste
- (3) 1 tsp. chili powder
- (4) 1 tsp. whole red chili crushed
- (5) 1 tsp. coriander crushed
- (6) 1 tsp. cumin seeds
- (7) 1 tbsp. dried fenugreek leaves
- (8) 1\4 tsp. ground mace ( javetri )
- (9) 1 tsp. ground  turmeric
- (10) 1\2  tsp. ground cinnamon
- (11) 1\2 tsp. aniseed 
- 1 tsp.salt
- 1\2 cup oil
- 1" fresh ginger cut into thin stripes
- 2-3 tbsp. fresh coriander leaves
- 2 green chilies
- 1 tbsp. lemon juice

Remove excess fat from the meat. Wash and pat dry. Cut the kidney and heart into small pieces. Leave the lamb chops whole.
2. Boil 2 cups of water with 1\2 tsp. of turmeric. Add the brains and boil for two minutes. Discard the water roughly chop the brain and put it aside. 
3. Put the kidney, heart and chops in a sauce pan. Add garlic ginger paste, chili powder, crushed chilies, crushed coriander, cumin seeds, fenugreek leaves, mace, turmeric, cinnamon, aniseed and salt. Cook for 5-10 minutes. No need to add water as the meat will release its own water.
4.Heat oil in shallow, heavy frying pan or a griddle or tawa and add onions and stir fry for few minutes then add tomatoes brains and kidney mixture. Stir fry for about 5 minutes on high heat. There are special knives that are used to stir fry kat-a-kat but you can use any spoon that has sharp edges. While stirring also chop the meat. Once you feel that chops are tender and can be easily cut into small pieces add brains, chopped coriander leaves, ginger stripes and chopped green chilies. Stir fry for about 8 more minutes. Just before taking of from the heat add lemon juice.


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