Healthy Snack Food Ideas

What is healthy snack food? Simply anything you eat between meals that is nutritious and good for you and not junk food! It's all too easy in today's world to get into the habit of eating candy bars, vending machine chips and other such sweet and salty fare when you get the munchies before lunch or in the middle of the afternoon.
One thing to keep in mind is that not everything sold in health food stores, or in the "healthy" section of the supermarket is really that good for you. Many energy bars and energy drinks, for example, are quite high in sugar. Sometimes it's called fructose or in some cases organic types of sugar, but if this is one of the first ingredients, you are still consuming a lot of sugar and calories.
When looking for healthy snacks, it's best to look for foods that are both organic and unsweetened. A good choice would be organic multigrain crackers with organic nut butter. Peanut butter is not the best kind of nut butter; almond, cashew or sunflower butter is healthier. Peanuts have become a disputed "health food" in recent years. Organic peanut butter is fine once in a while, but these other nut butters are made from nuts that have healthier fat content. Another good choice for a topping is tahini, made from sesame seeds. This is traditionally used in Middle Eastern foods, but it's a great topping for bread or crackers as well
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